
First 2340










Johnnie Falcon's Vert Master,
Chaitya, told him that he would
become the greatest vert skater the
universe had ever known, once he conquered
the dark side of gravity. He was the one. No doubt.

But the dark side drew Johnnie close as we see in the
photographic evidence the High Council had amassed against him.
Falcon couldn't resist airing off everything he saw.
Oh the dark side of gravity is so very very appealing.

High Council Exhibit A

High Council Exhibit M

High Council Exhibit ZZ

High Council Exhibit P
On Johnnie Falcon's planet of Sargasso, deep in the middle of the Andromeda Galaxy, most citizens had used thought travel for lifetimes. Only a few rebel youths had clung to their gravityboards, refusing to just sit around and travel in their minds.

In fact, except for the rebel skaters, only a few skycars of the High Council enforcers could be seen on the abandoned skyways. Johnnie quite enjoyed playing games with them.

Now the enforcers have been ordered to arrest Falcon and force him into mind travel. "No way. I am the one!", Johnnie shouted as he began to lead the skycars in a wild chase.

Resting on a mountain top, Falcon suddenly found himself surrounded by High Council enforcers. It was hopeless.

Or was it?

It was hopeless?



Chaitya's words thundered from beyond space and time. No. He would not be taken!

Full jets, Falcon slammed down the mountainside, then up the next mountain. He reached the peak and was airborne.

This was his highest air ever. Those skycars could never go this high.

Go Johnnie go

Yes, high. But too high? Johnnie Falcon left the gravitational field of Sargasso at almost the speed of light, out into space, out of the Andromeda Galaxy, into deep space. At least the High Council could no longer hassle him.

Nothing out here to break; no one to frighten. Nothing. No one. The dark side of gravity was nowhere here. Nowhere.

Johnnie realized that the only gravity in deep space was the tiny bit surrounding the few hydrogen atoms he encountered. He tried to air off each molecule he passed, gaining a bit more speed every time. Soon he reached light speed. Then it happened.

At the speed of light, time stopped; the electrical impulses in his brain stopped. Johnnie's mind became absolutely calm and clear. And now suddenly Chaitya was there with him, beyond time and space.

"Young Falcon," the Vert Master began, "with gravity we dance. Is poetry, symphony. Is not height or speed. Is about perfection: being where should be, as should be. Follow real self from beyond space-time, own unique relationship with gravity.

"This is Path of the Skater. Noble path, travelled by my Master it was - and his Master, and all other Vert Masters before. Vert Master, you now be, young Falcon. Vert Master. The one you are. Yes.

"After this experience, dark side will not tempt you. Cannot. Taste of miraculous path too great. Yes?"

Johnnie knew that Chaitya was right. He was enjoying skating, even on these tiny atoms, more than ever before. He was doing the impossible, now going far faster than the speed of light. Go figure, mathematicians! But he did it, even though his air jets were long out of vishvumbaaran crystal power.

Only a minute had passed for Johnnie, while the relativity effect had seen a thousand years pass by the rest of the universe. Johnnie Falcon would skate the perfect path and see where it would lead. He knew it would be the miraculous dance of his true self, the way of a Vert Master.

At such incredible speeds, Johnnie had already entered a nearby galaxy, the Milky Way. The path was leading to a dark backwards region known as the Planet of the Warring Dullards. But that was where the miraculous surf was taking this Vert Master.

Johnnie gracefully engaged the welcomed gravity of the Planet of the Warring Dullards to bring his skate to a stop.

Locally, the planet was called "Earth" because of its earthy bizarro inhabitants. Johnnie would soon find out why a Vert Master was needed on this planet where skating was still just in its infancy.

The Miraculous Surf

He could hardly believe the ancient skating relics the locals were using. "At least they're not using square wheels in this bizarro world", thought Falcon.

Besides, Johnnie's gravityboard was now useless with no hope of crystal power, so these wheeled "skateboards" were really a welcomed find. And the gravity here was so nice - uniform, robust, and absolutely miraculous.

A millennium Falcon had lost in space, passing it in only a minute. The earth planet was preparing to celebrate the start of the third millennium since the visit of the famous Heart Master. It was perhaps fitting that a Vert Master should now arrive to continue to point the way to perfection, the noble Path of the Skater.

Johnnie Falcon got a job in a local skate shop assembling wheeled boards for young skaters. They didn't realize they were all becoming disciples of a great Vert Master.

Johnnie had found his purpose on this Planet of the Warring Dullards. He would use his supernatural skating powers to fight the rampant crime, especially injustice to skaters.

Whenever a skater would be hassled, whenever crime needed battling, a sign would flash in the sky above the city - a sign that would stand for peace, justice, and the miraculous skater way of life.


    When Falcon sees the spinning skateboard in the sky, he drops everything and becomes the most greatest crime fighter the world has ever known ..........

Whenever you hear the word "awesome",
Know that someone has touched the miraculous
Path of the Skater.

Whenever you are stoked,
Know that you have filled your heart
Touching the Path of the Skater.

Seek the Path always.
Your life will be miraculous.


SuperVert's First Recorded Amazing Adventure